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MAGNETS Alnico permanent magnets are made primarily from aluminum, nickel, cobalt, copper, iron and sometimes titanium. They can be either cast or sintered. Cast Alnico Attributes of Cast Alnico Size parameters range from 1 ounce to about 70 pounds Attributes of Sintered Alnico Size parameters range from about one ounce of material up to one cubic
inch Very temperature stable, great for high heat applications |
Alnico Bar |
Alnico Plug |
Alnico Rod |
Alnico Channel Horseshoe |
Alnico Holding Magnets |
Typical Magnetic and Physical Properties
of Alnico Magnet Material
Applications of Alnico Magnets Magnetos, separators, sensors, electron tubes, traveling wave tubes, radar, holding magnets, coin acceptors, clutches and bearings, motors, distributors, relays, controls, generators, receivers, telephones, microphones, bell ringers, guitar pickups, loudspeakers, security systems, cow magnets. Tolerances Finished surfaces are normally ground to ± .005 (See MMPA standards for more details.) Magnetizing and Handling |
Copyright © ALL Magnetics
Inc Tel: 714-632-1754 Address: 2831 Via Martens, Anaheim, CA 92806